Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Day One (Okay, technically it's day two.)

     Okay, so I thought, Hey, I'm doing Camp NaNo for the first time. I should make a blog! Unfortunately, It's the second day of Camp NaNo. Sigh.
     I've never done any form of NaNoWriMo before, and I'm very excited to be trying. I know I'm supposed to be writing right now, but hey, when I'm blocked, this can help me work through it, right? (That is a horrible excuse.) It's kind of funny that it's my first time and I'm already a NaNo Rebel. I'm working on a work that I had already written about a thousand words on.
     I often get ideas for things from dreams, because my dreams are pretty weird. I'm not going to tell any of you any of my story, but it does have two POVs. Now, for someone who's never written more than a thousand words of a work before, two POVs is a bit of a large undertaking. Especially when depending on my mood, one is usually easier to write than the other. For a glimpse at my characters, I have an INTJ and an ESFP. They are complete opposites and it is completely ridiculous and I didn't even mean for it to happen.
     Okay, but as I'm currently kicking myself to start writing again, I'm going to end this here. You can find me on Camp NaNoWriMo as scribblingRagamuffin, and good luck to everyone participating in Camp NaNo!

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